Address humaity and mental health

  • Address humaity and mental health

    Posted by Thomaslove on March 12, 2023 at 3:32 pm


    Address humanity and mental health

    I am concerned, like most people now, with the collective mental health of American society.

    I believe all people are inherently good, and some are very good. But most are confused to varying degrees. What can be done to improve their lives and negative attitudes?

    Erich Fromm once wrote: “Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.” Love and medications allow people to heal from most mental illnesses. Two obvious solutions to this problem are to remove the stigma of “mental illness” and to expand mental health services. The other is to point out the external sources of our persistent internal negative attitudes, so that individuals can decide what they are willing and not willing to accept.

    Sources of internalized negativity are certain news, advertising and violence or pornography in movies, TV, video games and the internet. All these sources and others demean humanity and treat people disrespectfully as objects, to be blown up, discarded, or have impersonal sex with.

    We all need to discern what these sources reveal about their disrespectful view of humanity and to vote for better mental health solutions.

    Thomas Gibson, DeForest

    Thomaslove replied 1 year, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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