Baby gets heart transplant with a twist to fight rejection

  • Baby gets heart transplant with a twist to fight rejection

    Posted by metta on March 8, 2022 at 5:31 pm

    Baby gets heart transplant with a twist to fight rejection

    The thymus plays a critical role in building the immune system. Doctors have wondered if implanting some thymus tissue that matched a donated organ might help it survive without the recipient needing toxic anti-rejection medicines.

    Easton Sinnamon of Asheboro, North Carolina, received his unique transplant last summer when he was 6 months old. But Duke waited to announce it until Monday after doctors learned the specially processed thymus implants appear to be functioning like they’d hoped — producing immune cells that don’t treat the tot’s new heart like foreign tissue.

    This is huge. I think that this could potentially make it easier to get matches for kidneys. I have a friend that has been waiting way too long.

    metta replied 2 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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