NY Prosecutes Couple For Fraud: Listed House For $499K When It Sold For $485K

  • Unknown Member

    February 25, 2024 at 9:06 am

    They Should Contact Trump ORG . …. The masters in Fraud until they got Caught

    Common Law Fraud

    The instant action is not a garden-variety common law fraud case.

    Common law fraud (also known as “misrepresentation”) ha s five elements: (1) A material statement; (2) falsity; (3) knowledge of the falsity (“scienter”); (4) j ustifiable reliance; and (5) damages. See, e.g., Kerusa Co. LLC v W10Z/515 Real Estate Ltd. Partnership , 12 NY3d 236, 242 (2009) (“[T]he elements of common law fraud” are “a false representation . . . in relation to a material fact; scienter; reliance; an d injury.”). Alleging the elements is easy; proving them is difficult. Is the statement one of fact or opinion? Material according to what standard? Knowledge demonstrated how? Justifiable subjectively or objectively? In mid-twentieth century New York, to judge by contemporary press reports and judicial opinions, fraudsters were having a field day

    Seven Springs conservation easement over seven mansion lots at $775,000 per raw lot, an estimate that would have valued the entire seven-mansion development at approximately $5.5 million. PX 3296; TT 2707-2708.

    Notwithstanding, the SFC backup data for 2013 demonstrates that on August 20, 2013, Eric Trump advised McConney to value the seven-mansion undeveloped plots on the SFC at a staggering $161 million

    (161 MILLION – 5.5 MILLION) / 5.5 MILLION) * 100 = 2827.27 %…. now that is quite the fraud


  • ObscureandFuzzy

    February 26, 2024 at 6:34 pm


    Member February 26, 2024 at 7:45 am

    As long as this same standard applies to the wealthy political and entertainment celebrities who list their properties for millions of dollars over what it is worth and what it actually sells for.

    It’s only been applied to one person: Donald Trump.

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