Colorado Bans Trump From Running: Fears Usual Election Rigging System Could Fail

  • Colorado Bans Trump From Running: Fears Usual Election Rigging System Could Fail

    Posted by ObscureandFuzzy on December 28, 2023 at 7:11 pm

    THANK YOU Colorado Democrats!

    Colorado Bans Trump From Running Over Concerns Usual Election Rigging System Could Fail

    DENVER, CO — Facing critics over their 4-3 decision to remove Trump from the presidential ballot in 2024, Colorado’s Supreme Court insisted it was a necessary step due to concerns the usual election rigging system could fail.

    “I know we have all the normal rigging techniques available to us, but we’re worried that Trump’s lead could grow so much that those efforts will fail to protect our democracy as they did in 2020,” said Justice Richard Gabriel. “Rest assured, we will not rest until we save democracy by making it completely illegal to vote for Trump. You’re welcome, America!”

    Pollsters confirmed that even with classic rigging measures like hackable voting machines, unmonitored drop-boxes, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, and universal mail-in voting, it may still not be enough to stop Trump from being reelected. Experts are urging unelected Judges to put additional measures in place.

    Muscle4Muscle2009 replied 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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